Founded by Professor Adriano Vanzetti, Studio Vanzetti is a law firm operating principally in the IP field, and especially in the sector of trade marks and other distinctive signsappellations of origin and geographical indicationspatentsdesigns and modelsunfair competitionanti-trust lawand copyright. In this field the firm, today led by Michelle Vanzetti Esq., works in partnership with Spheriens law firm.

With vast experience in the field of civil, commercial and bankruptcy lawStudio Vanzetti provides judicial and extra-judicial assistance to numerous clients, both Italian and foreign, including multinationals, car manufacturers, chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies, firms operating in the field of mechanics, fashion houses and textile producers, consortiums and leading firms in the food and beverage sector.

Studio Vanzetti is involved in national and international arbitrations and boasts particular experience in assisting foreign clients -European, US and Asian -, and in participating in complex transnational disputes. The firm works closely with the main Italian and foreign consultancy offices in the IP field.
