Member of the Italian Bar, admitted to practice before the Italian Supreme Court and the other Superior Courts, since 2003 she has worked at the Law Firm founded by Avv. Prof. Adriano Vanzetti, which she leads since 2018.
Graduated with honours in Law from the Università degli Studi of Milan, PhD in Civil Procedural Law, Michelle is currently Associate Professor in Civil Procedural Law at the Università degli Studi of Milan.
From 2003 until 2010 she was Adjunct Professor of Civil Procedural and Insolvency Law at the Bocconi University of Milan. From 2004 until 2010 she taught Bankruptcy Law on the PhD course in Company Law at the Bocconi University of Milan. From 2009 until 2014 she was Adjunct Professor of Insolvency Law at the Università dell'Insubria. From 2012 until 2020 she was Adjunct Professor of International Insolvency Law and Comparative Insolvency Law at the Università degli Studi of Milan.
She is the author of three monographs (“L'insolvenza transnazionale: storia del problema in Germania, in Italia e nei progetti di convenzione internazionale”, Giuffrè 2006; “Compensazione e processo fallimentare”, Giuffrè 2012; and “La condanna generica”, Giuffrè 2021) and of numerous shorter articles concernig civil Procedural Law, I.P. Law and Insolvency Law. She is also co-author of a number of miscellaneous works.
Since 2005 she has been a member of the editorial team of the Rivista di diritto processuale; since 2006, of the editorial team of the review Giurisprudenza Annotata di Diritto Industriale; and since 2019 of the editorial team of the review Il diritto degli affari. She is also affiliated to SISCO – Società Italiana di Studi Concorsuali and to Associazione italiana fra gli studiosi del processo civile, and a honorary member of Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Processual.
Foreign languages: English, German.